My Piercing and Tattoo

Katie's Birth Story
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STATS: Entered the World on December 10, 2001 at 8:35am Weighing 7lbs 13oz and 20.5 inches long.

After an uneventful pregnancy, Katie shot into the world in about 4 hours! Big change from her Big Brother (36 hours+). She was overdue by about a week (I swear my mom was holding onto her in Heaven). The doctor scheduled an induction as my request on Monday, December 10 at 6 am.
Well at 4am that morning, I woke up having contractions. I got up, took a shower, woke Ryan and we were off to the hospital for our 6am appointment. Josh had spent the night at Mamaws so we didn't have to worry about him.
We got to the hospital, got all checked in, and I told the nurse I had started having contractions. She said, "Well you're already scheduled for the Pitocin so we'll go ahead and start it."
I think I only got 1/4 of the bag and ZOOM my contractions where coming fast and hard!! I thankfully got my epidural and expected to be able to rest for a while, like I did with Josh, but the doctor came in moments after my epidural had kicked in and said "Great, you're at a 10 (cm) get ready to push!"
WHAT??? I was freaking out. Keep in mind it was only like 8:15am. I'd been up since 4:00. Next thing I knew, 2 or 3 pushes later, there was Katherine Renee, screaming her head off!



